Attorney-at-law Daniel Olk
Corporate transactions (M&A)
M&A is mostly understood to mean the area of company acquisitions. The sale of shares in a company, of the company as a whole or of parts or assets of a company and the related legal transactions are referred to as mergers and acquisitions. This can also include associations with other companies (joint ventures), for example through contractual cooperation or the establishment of a new company.
The transactions around the company can be diverse. The spectrum ranges from small changes in the shareholder structure or in the group to complex large-scale transactions.
Our focus is on medium-sized companies in all industries, but with full internationality: We offer negotiations, correspondence and work on documents in both German and English. For special areas of law and tax questions, we work as a team with fellow lawyers or tax advisors if necessary.
Our legal advice includes, in particular:
- Company purchase agreements, as a share purchase or as a purchase of assets (asset deal) and general support for transactions
- Due diligence before transactions
- Mergers, changes of legal form, splits, spin-offs, integrations and other measures according to the Transformation Act (UmwG) and Stock Corporation Act (AktG), advice on transformation law, corporate restructuring, relocation of subsidiaries, carve-outs
- Implementation of intra-group agreements (domination agreements, profit and loss transfer agreements), advice on issues related to groups of companies
- Capital measures, especially capital increases
- Shareholder agreements, investment agreements
- Advice on joint ventures
- Stock purchase agreements, purchase options and other transactions in stock corporations
- Advice on preliminary contracts and similar transactions (letter of intent, memorandum of understanding, etc.)
- Legal measures of post-merger integration
- Legal disputes related to transactions

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